


During this unique time we are offering Telemedicine/Rehab via our fully integrated, HIPPA compliant, private online platform. We use Telemedicine to provide real-time health care for current or new patients at a distance. We use video-conferencing, audio communication, and/or text-messaging using mobile phones, tablets, and desktop computers. Telemedicine has many applications for monitoring treatment plans. A typical session includes evaluation and consultation of current condition, compliance with self-care and home exercise programs, as well as case-specific education and counseling.

The Chiropractic Physicians at OhioChiro are concerned with the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of mechanical disorders of the nervous, muscular and skeletal system, and the effects of these disorders on movement, injury and sport performance, as well as the impact on your general health and sense of well being. We emphasize a diverse set of manual and physical therapies to empower you to ultimately care for yourself.

Interested in a telemedicine session?