
Try These 3 Chiropractor-Approved Tips for Reducing Holiday Stress

3 Chiropractor Approved Tips for Reducing Holiday Stress


Bottom Line:

We all know someone who gets sick around the holidays every year. 


Are they just unlucky? 


Well, while it probably would have helped if someone had shared some tips for reducing holiday stress like those we’re about to share with you (insert *fake cough*)…


Thankfully, luck doesn’t have anything to do with it!


Our bodies are designed to be healthy and resilient, and research indicates that our daily choices may be the most crucial factor in our ability to stay well. 


Why it Matters:

Managing our daily choices well = managing our daily stresses well = staying well.


If you’re looking for a wellness center stress management program in Upper Arlington and New Albany, be sure to remember that.  


The most reliable and effective tips for reducing holiday stress are based on this logic. 


Think about it. 


Each day, our bodies are tasked with handling our chemical, physical, and emotional stresses in order to protect and maintain an optimal state of health. 


That includes what goes into our bodies, how we use our bodies, and any changes we make to our habits in response to stressful situations.  


Each is vitally important. 


Our Top 3 Tips for Reducing Holiday Stress This Year

Aging, healing, and your entire life experience happen through a constant concert of communication and coordination between your brain and body.


Knowing that, here are 3 steps you can take today to give yourself better health as we head into a new year…



  1. Daily Movement: Exercise is an essential way to keep your mind and body fit over the holidays.
  2. Mental Moments: Each day, set aside time to pause, decompress and count your blessings.
  3. Portion Planning: Try to plan and balance your mea so you give yourself the best shot at avoiding any extra empty calories or foods that may lead to added inflammation. 


Now, we admit, at first glance, our list of tips for reducing holiday stress can seem incredibly obvious – you’ve heard these same tips time and time again. 


Those who have come to us looking for a wellness center stress management program in Upper Arlington and New Albany have said as much when we first met them in our practice.


And perhaps that’s exactly why so many of us tend to ignore them or just otherwise put these essential fundamentals of our own self-care on the backburner. 


Allow us to put a “bow” on that list to better put their importance in perspective. 


“Your body’s ability to heal is greater than anyone has permitted you to believe.”


Your body truly does have an incredible innate ability to adapt, change, and heal, and it all starts with prioritizing those daily habits that lay the groundwork for your good health. 


Next Steps: 

Staying healthy this holiday season is more than attainable.


Your habits and the choices you make each day can either enhance or reduce your body’s ability to feel and work at its best.


Your diet and daily exercise and self-care routines play a huge role in your well-being, so take a few minutes each day to be proactive with your healthy habits. 


Managing your daily stresses with these tips for reducing holiday stress – and really all stress – are great ways to get started. 


And if you need help…


If you’ve been looking for a wellness center stress management program in Upper Arlington and New Albany


Wwe hope you’ll give us a call


Our team is always a call or a click away, and we’re here for you!


Science Sources: 

Stress Management. Mayo Clinic. 2021.

Stress and Susceptibility to the Common Cold. N Engl J Med. 1991.