
Meet Dr. Caine

Dr. Sean Caine didn’t initially set out to be a Chiropractic Physician, but the path he took has helped establish him as an expert in conservative musculoskeletal care.

His path began in Northeast Ohio, where his childhood family doctor was an Osteopathic Physician. His family doctor demonstrated that being a physician can be much more hands-on than some who rely largely on their prescription pads.

“I love working with my head and hands,” Dr. Caine said. “Growing up, my mom was the office manager for a D.O. and he turned me onto the idea of a doctor working with their hands as opposed to relying on medication scripts.”

After earning a degree in Education with an emphasis on Therapeutic Recreation from the University of Toledo, Caine worked as a rehab therapist on a multi-specialty team in Chicago early in his career.

It was there that he had a commitment to helping people get back to doing the things they love. In that environment the patients were recovering from neurotrauma, but even now it is something that rings true in OhioChiro’s musculoskeletal practice, where the focus is on serving patients from diagnosis to recovery to fitness.

His time in Chicago provided a glimpse into what a team of healthcare professionals working together could mean for patient care.

“Every day we would sit at a conference table and discuss the patients in front of us that day and everyone had an opportunity to talk about where they are in terms of recovery from their clinical point of view,” he said. “What are we doing for them today? Are we doing everything we can to get them where they need to be?

“It was an amazing experience to be part of a clinical team, taking care of individuals as people first and patients second.”

This inspired Caine to incorporate that roundtable discussion aspect to his current practice, leaving no stone unturned as far as a patient’s care is concerned.

Caine expects input from everyone on his team, each of whom comes from a different educational and practicing background. “Our integrated team is what makes OhioChiro so special.” Caine said, “each of us looks through a different lens, but all focused on the person in front of us.”

While in Chicago, Caine was introduced to the world of Chiropractic Medicine upon enrolling at the National University of Health Sciences following his pre-med work at Northwestern University, DePaul University and the City Colleges of Chicago.

“One of the biggest benefits of where I chose to attend professional school was the fact National University was very diagnostic-focused,” he said. “It truly was about being a good physician first.” Notably, his training and qualifications allow him to order and interpret diagnostic studies (X-rays, CT, MRIs, etc.) which is something that has proven valuable in the care of persistent or complicated cases.

Continuing education is something that Dr. Caine has taken seriously since graduating in 2002. This has served to further separate Caine from others in his field, including earning a Certification in Manual Medicine in Rehabilitation of the Locomotor System at Charles University in Prague, Czech Republic. Studying in Prague placed Caine at the forefront of the medical field’s approach to diagnosis, movement, and rehabilitation, as ideas and techniques used there were ahead of American medicine.

“Training in Prague was the capstone to post-graduate training that really expanded my skill set and my appreciation for integrating manual and rehabilitation techniques, which ultimately has allowed me to help more people,” he said. “My continuing education has been and continues to focus on soft tissue, joint skills and precise self-care prescriptions.” Some of Dr. Caine’s training and education include:


  • Doctor of Chiropractic Medicine-Cum Laude, National University of Health Sciences
  • Bachelor of Science in Human Biology
  • Bachelor of Education in Therapeutic Recreation
  • Certificate in Strength and Conditioning Specialist, National Association of Strength and Conditioning 
  • Certification in Manual Medicine in Rehabilitation of the Locomotor System, Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic
  • McKenzie approach to mechanical diagnosis and treatment of the spine, McKenzie Institute
  • Upper and Lower Extremity Syndromes, Kinetic Chain Assessment and Treatment
  • Certified Selective Functional Movement Assessment (SFMA), Titleist Performance Institute
  • Dynamic Neuromuscular Stabilization-Certified Exercise Trainer
  • Certified Myofascial Dry Needling, Dry Needling Institute
  • Neurodynamic testing and treatment, Neurodynamic Solutions (NDS)
  • Full-body soft tissue management, Active Release Provider (ART) 

After briefly returning to Ohio, Caine relocated to Huntsville, AL where he helped establish two group practices over the course of 10 years, receiving nearly 60 percent of his referrals from family physicians as well as a neurosurgical group and orthopedic group. This was achieved in part because Caine showed an acumen that transcended what is stereotyped as traditionally passive, adjustment-based Chiropractic care.

“Our referring physicians know their patients are safe with us, value integration of active, movement-based care ” Caine said, “and trust we will get them where they need to be, if we can’t help.”

Caine uses aspects of his professional and undergraduate degrees on a one-on-one basis when discussing  with patients what they need to do to achieve their goals.

“It’s all about listening, taking the time to hear a person’s story and having the background and educational experience to be able to walk them through that journey and make sure they get what they need from diagnosis, education and conservative care options,” he explained. “I do send patients for medical procedures when it’s warranted, but only when we’ve crossed our t’s and dotted our i’s from a non-invasive, active approach. And in the case where surgery or an invasive procedure is necessary, they’ve gotten stronger and will respond or recover a bit quicker.”

Following a decade in Alabama, Caine and his family made the difficult decision to leave a thriving practice and move closer to family in the Midwest with plans to cultivate a culture that emphasizes a strong relationship with patients here.

Caine now has roots in Upper Arlington, including having recently been appointed to the Upper Arlington Parks and Recreation Advisory Board. He has also served as a Director with the Upper Arlington Civic Association and as Boys Commissioner with the Upper Arlington Lacrosse Association where he continues to serve on the board.